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1930s Kitchens

Kitchen Interiors — 1930 to 1939

1936 American Home Cover for October

The kitchens of the 1930s were often brightly colored with cheerful accessories and a more modern layout. Built-in cabinetry and countertops replaced the freestanding tables and Hoosiers of the 1920s. Smaller homes required efficient, space saving storage ideas some of which are collected here.

We've concentrated our efforts on collecting images and information that focused on the middle class. The majority of homeowners read magazines like The American Home, Better Homes & Gardens, Ladies Home Journal, and Woman's Home Companion. The upper end of the population read magazines like Home & Garden and House Beautiful.

Almost everyone felt the effects of the Depression. Magazines cut back on the use of color; most advertisers that were extravagant with color illustrations during the 1920s appeared only in black and white or reduced their frequency.

Kitchens that appeared in color provide some hint of what home owners were inspired by. Companies that appeared consistently included Sealex and Armstrong linoleum and it's from those sources that some of the most colorful and interesting images are found.


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