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Vintage Kitchen Millwork

Built-in cabinetry and conveniences

1920s Bilt-Well Kitchen NookIn 1900, built-in kitchen cabinetry was limited. The contents of an early kitchne included the stove, sink and drainboards, and a work table. That changed quickly with the advent of kitchen work centers such as the Hoosier in 1901.

Built-in were an essential characteristic of the bungalow style with its emphasis on simplicity. A thing should have a place and that place was considered some type of cabinet. Companies like Morgan Sash & Door actively advertised their doors and cabinets, windows and sash. With the kit home companies like Sears, Aladdin, and Gordon Van Tine, homeowners were able to purchase not only the houses, but the cabinetry for them.

Our collection here includes everything we can find from the cozy breakfast nooks that began appearing in the 'teens to various styles of kitchen built-ins that transformed the kitchen from a spartan workroom to one of the most interesting, functional, and expensive rooms in the house.

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