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The Bungalow Book

by Henry L. Wilson, "The Bungalow Man"

"A Short Sketch of the Evolution of the Bungalow from its Primitive Crudeness to its Present State of Artistic Beauty and Cozy Convenience. Illustrated with Drawings of Exteriors, Floor Plans, Interiors, and Cozy Corners of Bungalows Which Have Been Built from Original Designs

The California Bungalow (perhaps so called from its resemblance in its more primitive form to the low-thatched homes of the Bengalese in India) is a direct descendant of the original attempts at architecture in California. It surely can trace its simple artistic lines directly back to the old Missions of the Spanish Padres, and its low overhanging eaves, large porches and general air of hospitality and coziness to the adobe houses of the pioneers. From the "'dobe shacks" of the early settlers to the charming homelike Bungalows of today may seem a long stretch, but it has come along as a steady process of evolution and improvement until today the California Bungalow is known and talked about the world over, and not even the glorious climate and everlasting sunshine call forth from the tourist so many comments of admiration and pleasure as do these cozy homes." (Wilson, 1910)

The bungalow evolved in a maelstrom of cross currents. American regional influences and fresh new cultural perspectives, notably the Californian phenomenon, and the effect of the Japanese aesthetic on the American Arts & Crafts Movement were just a few of the ideas that affected the style's evolution.

Available to anyone with $10, Wilson's plans went a long way toward popularizing the bungalow home. We've selected plans from the 1910 (fifth edition) of "The Bungalow Book" that we hope you'll enjoy. You'll notice almost immediately the Craftsman character of the homes and how they compare with the later bungalow kit homes.

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